The UPU S10 Standard EMS Tracking Number Format
The most commonly used tracking numbers are 13 characters. Most parcel services use the S10 (UPU standard) (format AB 123 456 789 CD) for international mailings, including the United States Postal Service and most International EMS Postal Services. The tracking number is usually close to the barcode. Tracking numbers consist of letters and numbers typically between 7 and 50 characters long sometimes with spaces or hyphens between groupings of characters. The identifiers consist of a two letter service indicator code, an eight digit serial number (in the range 00000000 to 99999999), a single check-digit, and a two-letter ISO country code. The latter identifying the issuing postal administration's country. EMS Tracking Page
UPS Tracking Number Format
The most common UPS tracking number format is a combination of 18 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting with "1Z" (e.g. 1Z 1234 1234 1234 1234). Some other less common formats may also exist.
UPS Tracking Page
USPS Tracking Number Format
The most common USPS tracking number format is 20/22 digits (e.g. 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 99), or a combination of 13 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting with 2 alphabets, following by 9 digits, and ending by "US" (e.g. EA 999 999 999 US). Some other less common formats may also exist, such as 10 digits.
USPS Tracking Page
DHL Tracking Number Format
DHL uses Express Shipments Number for Parcel Tracking. The most common DHL tracking number format is a combination of 10 numeric characters (e.g. 1234 5678 90). Some other less common formats may also exist.
DHL Tracking Page
FedEx Tracking Number Format
The most common FedEx tracking number format is 12 digits (e.g. 9999 9999 9999) or 15 digits (e.g. 9999 9999 9999 999). Some other less common formats may also exist, such as 20 digits and 22 digits.
FedEx Tracking Page
La Poste Tracking Number Format
The most common La Poste tracking number format is a combination of 13 numeric and letters characters. Some other less common formats may also exist.
La Poste Tracking Page
Australia Post Tracking Number Format
The most common Australia Post tracking number format is a combination of 10, 13 or 23 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting with 2 alphabets, following by 9 digits, and ending by "AU" (e.g. RP 9999 9999 - EA 999 999 999 AU - 999 000 888 111 777 222 666 55). Some other less common formats may also exist.
Australia Post Tracking Page
Canada Post Tracking Number Format
The most common Canada Post tracking number format is a combination of 13 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting with 2 alphabets, following by 9 digits, and ending by "CA" (e.g. EB 999 999 999 CA). Some other less common formats may also exist.
Canada Post Tracking Page
China Post Tracking Number Format
The most common China Post tracking number format is a combination of 13 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting with 2 alphabets, following by 9 digits, and ending by "CN" (e.g. EA 123 456 789 CN). Some other less common formats may also exist.
China Post Tracking Page
India Post Tracking Number Format
The most common India Post tracking number format is a combination of 13 alphabetic and numeric characters, usually starting 2 alphabetic characters, following by 9 digits, and ending by "IN" (e.g. RK 000 000 000 IN). Some other less common formats may also exist.
India Post Tracking Page